jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

JonBenet Ramsey poems

JonBenet Ramsey, an innocent child,
Her life cut short, her future beguiled,
A beauty queen, a precious daughter,
Her bright light gone, before anyone caught her.

Oh, how her smile could light up a room,
A joyous spirit, that forever blooms,
Her life was brief, but her impact strong,
Her memory lingers, like a cherished song.

But fate played a cruel game, and she left us too soon,
Leaving behind her family, with an unbearable ruin,
For a life cut short, our love for her will always remain,
As we mourn the loss of a child, taken in vain.

JonBenet Ramsey, a star that will forever shine,
A precious angel in the vast universe divine,
We'll remember her with love and with grace,
As she leaves behind memories, that time cannot erase.
(by GPT)

Spanish :
JonBenet Ramsey, una niña inocente, 
Su vida cortada, su futuro desvanecido, 
Una reina de belleza, una hija preciosa, 
Su brillante luz apagada, antes de que nadie la atrapara. 

Oh, cómo su sonrisa podía iluminar una habitación, 
Un espíritu alegre que florece para siempre, 
Su vida fue breve, pero su impacto fuerte, 
Su memoria perdura, como una canción apreciada. 

Pero el destino jugó un juego cruel, y nos dejó demasiado pronto, 
Dejando a su familia con una ruina insoportable, 
Para una vida cortada, nuestro amor por ella siempre permanecerá, 
Mientras lloramos la pérdida de una niña, llevada en vano

A young girl with a smile so bright,
Her beauty shone like the stars at night.
But fate had something else in store,
A tragedy that shook us to our core.Her name was JonBenet Ramsey,
A child with a soul so pure and free.
Her life was taken far too soon,
And the world wept for her under the moon.

Her innocence was ripped away,
As the cruel hand of death did play.
We searched for answers, but none were found,
Injustice echoed in every sound.

Her memory lives on in our hearts,
A reminder of how precious life truly is.
We pray for justice and find some peace,
For JonBenet, forever our sweet release.

(by GPT) 

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