domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

La vie mystérieuse part 4


Before moving to her mother's house and before going to the hospital, her sister wanted deaf girl to read what the dominoes say , and they said her past was sad, her present was romantic, her future was good. next time, her sister asked  her again to read the dominoes, said the same answer, but at last, her future was bad luck, but change the good life. her sister was very surprised.
after hospital, a deaf girl was happy to be free while living with her grandmother and her aunts,who were her father's sisters.but she made some serious mistakes.she still was a wiccan without doubts, and her situation with her family was normal. after a few days, her grandmother died from her disease. 
she didn't feel always happy. her life was wrong. she dreamed that she was alone at her aunt's home at night, all the rooms were dark without light, and she saw the note from her stepsister, who wrote something strange. "if you stay with her, you will be very sick". a dark person came to choke her on the bed, and she woke up. her stepsister was so mad at her every day. she felt that her stepsister spoke ill of her. she asked her mother if her stepsister was really mad. her mother said yes. she didn't decide to ask her mother anymore. she could see that her stepsister stole her full name to put it on her social media and told lies to her deaf girl's companions.therefore, she could see something shadow, and the photography was fallen down from a ghost in the room. the porcelain jesus (adult) was broking. her sister was laughing, saying that deaf girl had an accident when she didn't see her stepsister's porcelain jesus child well, that was falling and broking his face, and she was distressed without telling anyone, but her sister could see her. she wanted to help her to invent her stepsister so that stepsister wwas not going to beat the girl witch. she  don't know exactly stepsister was so mad  at her  and why she harmed her. after a new months, her stepsister had to accuse her to her little family and some witches. suddenly, they blamed her. but some people didn't know the truth about them. the witch said that girl will be possesed and would have bad spirit. they wanted her to get rid of her things from magic. stepsister wanted her to stop being wiccan.she really missed being a wiccan, she didn't ever want to stop  wiccan religion. all the witches who are not familiar with her family not her friends. they said all was not her fault from magic. she knew her stepsister wanted to destroy her with wiccan religion annd her power. however, she was super angry at her. she didn't like her. she didn't believe in her enemy she didn't agree with her. her stepsister always was hycprote and liar. 
her second plan was someone should die for a reasonable. it was probably her grandmother.
next story

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